Montag, 15. August 2016

Wanderlust Award

Die liebe Hannah hat mich zum Wanderlust Award nominiert, danke dafür. :)

Hannah nominated me for the Wanderlsut Award, thanks for that. :)

The Rules:
  1. Thank and link back to the Blogger who awarded you!
  2. Copy and paste the award (Logo, rules and questions) to your blog
  3. Answer the questions and nominate 5 less popular travel or Au Pair blogs which deserve more attention and followers.
  4. Dont’t forget to inform them about their nomination on their blog.
The Questions:
  1. Where will you go and/or where are you right now?
  2. What is your favorite place in this world so far?
  3. Who is  the most interesting person you’ve met so far?
  4. What is your most important travel item?
  5. How did/will your relatives feel about your trip?
  6. How many countries have you visited?
  7. How are you documenting your trip/s?
  8. What are your ultimate travel goals (Bucketlist #1-#3)
  9. What would you do if you didn’t have to work?
  10. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

My Answers:
  1.  Right now I am in Germany, near Moenchengladbach, but soon I'll live in Chesapeake, Virginia.
  2. My favorite place in this world so far is whereever the people I am comfortable with are. But as a location it is the beach on a small Island called Foehr. 
  3. My most important travel item is actually my phone, because I can take notes with it, make photos, talk to others, navigate, ... But I also like to always have some books with me.
  4. My relatives are happy for me, even tho they will miss me, but they think it's a great chance for me and that I should take it.
  5. Up until now I have visited the Netherlands, England, the Czech Republic, France and Luxembourg. 
  6. I will write a travel diary and this blog.
  7. My ultimate travel goals except for the USA are #3 Iceland, #2 Norway, #1 London (and the Harry Potter studios!)
  8. I would like to travel the world, visit every country or maybe while not travelling just read all day. But I also want to help people without getting paid for it, so I would probably do volunteer work while travelling or at home.
  9. I don't know. :D Maybe kind, creative and helpful? :D 
The people I nominate: 

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