Sonntag, 14. August 2016

Goodbye Party with friends

Hallo, gestern habe ich meinen Abschied mit meinen Freunden gefeiert, da man aber ja bekanntlich nicht daran denkt so viele Fotos zu machen, wenn man beschäftigt ist und Spaß hat, habe ich auch nicht besonders Viele. Ein paar zeige ich aber hier.

Hello, yesterday I celebrated my Goodbye Party with my friends, but since it is known that you don't think about making many photos when you're busy and having fun, I didn't take many, but a few of those I will show here.

Some Cake Pops I made:

The cake my best friend made for me:

My best friend and me experimenting with my boyfriends snapchat:

A gift from my best friend:

A travel journy a friend gave me:

A funny book another friend gave me:

Some painting to do on the flight some of my friends gave me:

 Part of the heart my boyfriend gave me:

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